Wedding Photos at The Edge NYC & Little Island || Rebecca & Basti

This was such a fun morning of photos! Rebecca and Basti first contacted me back in 2019, we had grand plans to do a wedding and a restaurant wedding reception and all the trimmings. Due to Covid they switched their wedding plans to a tiny Brooklyn Bridge Park wedding and it was lovely. However, they still wanted to do a few more portraits around town before they moved to Chile and so we met up for a fun farewell to NYC tour of sorts.

I’ve done lots of NYC elopements from Top of the Rock, which I think is one of the best views of the city, but I’d never been to The Edge. I love seeing NYC from new spots, so when Rebecca and Basti suggested the Edge was where they wanted to do their photos, I was game. I scoured the internet for photo rules (sometimes these places are NOT friendly to photographers) but it seemed like we were good to go. They grabbed tickets for an early weekday morning and away we went. I have to say, this spot is a fairly incredible view of New York, especially downtown, which you don’t get from Top of the Rock. I had so much fun running around and climbing up the stairs to get different shots and Rebecca and Basti were gorgeous as always.

Wardrobe note, it does get windy up there! 😉

The indoor areas of the Edge also provide for some beautiful views of the Empire State Building.

After the Edge, we went on a wander south and headed to Little Island. This is the first session I photographed at this new spot in Manhattan, and it was really neat to explore. There’s lots of little areas that give you great views of the city and the river. It’s a hot mess of crowds on the weekend, but if you can get in early, it’s a nice spot to see.

From there it’s a quick jaunt to the Highline where we closed out the portraits. I always love walking the Highline, especially in the morning hours before the tourists descend, and on this day it was nice and warm and perfect for a bit of frolicking in the fountains. 🙂

Black and White Wedding Photos on the Highline NYC

Looking for more information on planning your New York Elopement? Check out my NYC Elopement Guide for all in the tips and tricks!

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De Nueva Photography specializes in NYC elopements and weddings. I'm also available for engagements, proposals, and family portraits.


Not having a local wedding or elopement? No worries. Travel is literally my favorite thing and my passport is always ready. I’m available for travel worldwide.





Phone: 347-560-1625
