New York City Elopement and Wedding Photographer

Capturing vibrant and joyful photos for fun loving couples from around the globe


"I can not begin to express how wonderful our experience was with Nicki. Not only were her photos beautiful, but she was a joy to work with."


-Danielle & Luis
New York city Wedding Photographer 439
New York city Wedding Photographer 400
New York city Wedding Photographer 419

Hate being in front of the camera? Feel like you're the most awkward person ever?


I promise I’ve got you.


With over a decade of experience photographing hundreds of weddings and elopements with couples from every possible background; you can be confident your photos will be awesome and you can come as you are.


Everyone is welcome here.


I will capture authentic, joy filled moments that are unique to you and your partner. Even the most photo shy couple has a great time in front my camera. When you book De Nueva Photography, your wedding photography process will be as easy and fun as possible. You’ll be enjoying hanging out with your favorite person as we explore the city and will get lots of amazing photos in the process.

Ready to Book?

I'd love to be a part of your New York wedding day or NYC elopement!

NYC Elopements


I specialize in capturing vibrant and colorful photos of New York Weddings, NYC Elopements and City Hall Weddings for fun-loving couples from around the globe. Want to propose in NYC before your big day? Perfect. I also love photographing surprise proposals in New York City.



De Nueva Photography specializes in NYC elopements and weddings. I'm also available for engagements, proposals, and family portraits.


Not having a local wedding or elopement? No worries. Travel is literally my favorite thing and my passport is always ready. I’m available for travel worldwide.
